Books for Blantyre, an entirely not-for-profit project, is designed to help the students at Blantyre International University in Malawi gain access to textbooks.

Banking and Finance Department Wish List

The following textbooks represent the wish list of the Banking and Finance Department at Blantyre International University. Ten, fifty, and sometimes two hundred students share the one or two copies of a course's textbook that are kept in the university library. Students usually do not have access or funds to purchase their own textbooks for their university classes.

At the moment, because this project is in its infancy, I am asking for donations of only textbooks (or any newer editions of these textbooks) on the Wish Lists.

Business Finance 1 & 2

Besely, S. & Bringham, E.T. (2004): Principles of Finance, 2nd Edition, South Thomson Learning.

Brealey, T. and Myers, J. (1991):  Principles of Corporate Finance, 4th Edition, Mc-Graw-Hill, Inc.

Gitman, L. J. (2000): Principles of Managerial Finance, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education.

Money and Capital Markets

Fabozzi, F. J (2008): Capital Markets: Institutions and Instruments,4th edition, McGraw Hill, Chicago

Rejwade, A. V (2004): Foreign Exchange International Finance Risk Management, 4th Edition Academy of business studies.

Yeswaswy, N. J (2008): Intelligent Stock Market Investing, 4th edition, Vision Books.

International Finance

Arora, R. S. (2005): Manual on foreign exchange rate mechanism and foreign currency financing options, 4th edition, Skylark Publications, New Delhi.

Rajwada, A. V. J. (2004): Foreign exchange international finance risk management,4 edition, Vijay Nicole imprints publishers, New Delhi.

Makin, A.J. (1994): International Capital Mobility and External Account Determination, MacMillan, Toronto

Investments and Portfolio Theory

Bodie, Z. A., Marcus, K. and Mohanty, P. (2005): Investments, 6th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing, New Delhi.

Brown, R. (2006): Investments analysis and portfolio management,4th edition, Thomson-South Western, Boston.

Hargen, R. (2002): Modern Investment theory, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall publishers, London.

Credit Risk Analysis

Chatterjee, A. (2000): Credit management, 2nd edition, Skylark publications, New York.

Mukherjee, D.D. (2002): Credit appraisal risk analysis and decision making, snow white publications, London.

Mukherjee, D.D. (2008): Credit appraisal, risk analysis and design, 4th edition, snow white, London.

Advanced Finance

Enrique, R. A. (2005); Valuation for mergers, buyouts and restructuring,2nd  edition, John Willey & Sons, London.

Khan, M. Y. and Jain, P. K. (2004): Financial Management, Text, Problems and Cases, Tata McGraw-Hill International, New Delhi.

Manish, B. (2008): Derivatives and financial innovations, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

Fundamentals of Banking

Arondeker,A.M (2008): Principles of Banking: Macmillan Publishers,New York.

Shekar,L(2007),Banking Theory and practice,9th Edition,Vikas Publishing House,London.

Pangu,P (2007): Retail banking, 4th edition, Executive Excellence Books, Cortland Rand Consultancy, New Delhi.

Corporate Banking, Practice, and Law

Zacharias,K.D (2008): Legal and regulatory aspects of Banking, India institute of bankers, 2nd edition, McMillan,New Delhi.

Shkhar K.C (2008): Banking Theory and Practice, 19th Edition, Vicas pubhlishing house private limited,New Delhi.

Schmitthoff, C.M. (2007): Export Trade:  The Law and Practice of International Trade. 11th Edition, Prentice hall, New York.

Treasury Management

Vasavanha,I.G (2006): General bank management, India institute of bankers, Macmilan Publishers, New York.

Brooks,R (1997): Financial risk and the corporate treasury: New developments in strategy and control,6th Edition,Prentice Hall, New York.

Ross, D. (1996): International Treasury Management, ,3rd edition. Euromoney Publications, London.

Asset Financing

Cummings, J. (1993): 36 Hour Real Estate Investing Course, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.

Dennis, W. (2005): Asset-Based Lending: The Complete Guide to Originating, Evaluating Fundamentals of Mortgage Lending, 4th Edition, Macmillan, New York.

Sundereson, S. (2006): Fixed income-markets and their derivatives, 4th Edition, Thomson, London.

Principles of Insurance

Lowry, J. and Rawlings, P. (2005):  Insurance Law: Doctrines and Principles, Thompson Pubhlishers.

Rejda, G. E. (2007): Management and insurance, MacGraw Hill.

Shekhar, K. C. & Shekar, L. (2007): Banking Theory and practice,9th Edition, Vikas Publishing House Ltd.

Mortgage-based Lending

Cummings,J(1993): 36 hour Real estate investing course,2nd Edition,McGraw hill, New York.

Marshal, W (2000): Fundamentals of mortgage based Lending,4th Edition, McGraw Hill, New York.

Meisel ,P (2006), Real Estate Law w/NJ Supplement Volume1,4th Edition; Clarity Publications Press, London.

Banking Operations, Regulations, and Supervision

Mcdonald,S. Koch,T (2004): Management of Banking, 6th Edition, Thomson pubhlishers,London.

Vasavanha, I .J(2006): General bank management, India institute of bankers, 3rd Edition,India institute of bankers,New Delhi.

Zacharias,K.D (2008): Legal and regulatory aspects of Banking, India institute of bankers, 2nd edition, Mcmillan pubhlishers,New Delhi.

Garusamy, R (2006): Merchant Banking and financial services, 2nd Edition, Vijay Nicole imprints, New Delhi.

*Due to the large number of textbooks on the wish list, some references may be incorrectly cited and/or missing information.

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