Books for Blantyre, an entirely not-for-profit project, is designed to help the students at Blantyre International University in Malawi gain access to textbooks.

Economics Department Wish List

The following textbooks represent the wish list of the Economics Department at Blantyre International University. Ten, fifty, and sometimes two hundred students share the one or two copies of a course's textbook that are kept in the university library. Students usually do not have access or funds to purchase their own textbooks for their university classes.  
At the moment, because this project is in its infancy, I am asking for donations of only textbooks (or any newer editions of these textbooks) on the Wish Lists.

Introduction to Microeconomics

Mankiw N. G. (2007) Principles of Economics, South Western

McEachern, W. A. (2003): Economics, A Contemporary Introduction, 6th ed. Thomson-South Western

Samuelson Paul, A. and Nordhams W. D. (1995): Economics, 12th ed. London: McGraw-Hill

Introduction to Macroeconomics
Mankiw N. G. (2007): Principles of Economics, South Western

McEachern, W. A. (2003): Economics, A Contemporary Introduction, 6th ed. Thomson-South Western

Samuelson P. A. and Nordhams W. D. (1995): Economics, 12th ed. London: McGraw-Hill

Public Finance and Policy 

Herber, P. H. (2000): Modern Public Finance, 4th Edition Richard D. Irwin Inc. Illinois 

Rosen, S. H. (2001): Public Finance, International Student Edition, Richard Irwins Inc.. Boston

Starret, D. A. (2005): Foundations of Public Economics, Cambridge University Press, New York.

Financial Economics 

Bodie, K, Marcus (2006): Investments 5th Edition, CUP, New Delhi.

Cecchetti (2001): Money, Banking and Financial markets, CUP, New Delhi.

Copeland, Weston (2003): Financial Theory and Corporate Policy, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, New Delhi. 

Markets, Competition and Regulation 

Best, M. (1990): The New Competition: Institutions of Industrial Restructuring, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Viscusi, W. K., Vernon, J. M. and Harrington, J. E. (2000): Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, 3rd Edition, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Singh, A. (2002): Competition and Competition Policy in Emerging Markets: International and Developmental Dimensions, G-24 Discussion Paper Services, UNCTAD, Gevena.

International Economics

Krugman, P.R. and Obstfeld (2003): International Economics Theory, 6th Edition, Wesley.

Lindert, P.H. and Pugel, T. (2009): International Economics, 14th Edition, McGraw-Hill.

Soderstein, B.(1998): International Economics. Macmillan, London.

Agricultural Economics

Colman, D. and Young, T. (1993): Principles of Agricultural Economics: Markets and Prices in Less Developed Countries, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne.

Ellis, F. (1993): Peasant Economics: Farm Household and Agrarian Development, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne.

Ghatak, S. and Ingersent, K. (1984): Agriculture and Economic Development, Wheatsheaf Books Ltd.

Economic Growth and Development
Berg, H.V. (2001): Economic Growth and Development, 6th Edition, WW Norton and Company, New York.

Gillis, M.; Perkins, R.H.; Roemer, M. and Snodgrass, D. (2001): Economics of Development, Fifth Edition, Norton, New York.

Perkins, D.H.; Radelet, S. and Lindauer, D.L. (2006): Economics of Development, 6th Edition, Norton, New York.

Todaro, M. and Smith, S. (2006): Economic Development, 9th Edition, Addison-Wesley.

Intermediate Microeconomics
Agarwal, H. S. (2007): Principles of Economics, 7th Edition, Konark Publisher.

Cowell, F. A. (2008): Microeconomics: Principles and Analysis, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Koutsoyianis, A. (2006): Modern Microeconomics, 2nd Edition, Macmillan. 

Environmental Economics
Katar, S. and Anil, S. (2007): Environmental Economics: Theory and Applications, Sage Publications London and New York.

Kolstad, C. D. (2008): Environmental Economics, Oxford University Press.

Tietenberg, T. (2006): Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, 7th edition, Pearson- Addison Wesley.

Intermediate Macroeconomics

Dornbursch, R. and Fisher, S. (2004): Macroeconomics, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill, Singapore.

Dornbusch, R.; Bodman, P.; Crosby, M.; Fischer, S.; and Startz, R. (2006): Macroeconomics, McGraw-Hill.
Mankiw, N.G. (2009): Macroeconomics, 7th Edition,  Worth Publishers.

Labor Economics 
Borjas, G.J. (2005): Labour Economics, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York.

Ehrenberg, R. and Smith, R. (2000): Modern Labour Economics, Harper Collins, New York.

Hyclak, T.; Johns, G. and Thornton, R.(2005): Fundamentals of Labour Economics, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, MA.

History of Economic Thought
Bhaita, H. L. (2007): History of Economic Thought, VIKAS.

Blaug, M. (2005): Economic Theory in Rretrospect, Cambridge University Press, 5th Edition. 

Brue, S. L. (2000): The Evolution of  Economic Thought, Pearson Education. 

Project Appraisal
Boardman, A, Greenberg D, Vining, A, Weimer D, (2006): Cost-Benefit Analysis – Concepts and Practice,

Glasson, J., Therivel, R. and Chadwick, A. (2005) Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment, Third Edition, Routledge, London & New York.

Robinson, J. (1989): Property Valuation and Investment Analysis: A Cash Flow Approach, The Law Book Company.

National Accounts 

Bloem, M.; Dippelsman, R.J.;and Maehle (2001): Quarterly National Accounts Manual – Concepts, Data Sources, and Compilation, IMF, Washington D.C.

United Nations (1986): Handbook of National Accounting: Accounting for Production – Sources and Methods, Studies in Methods, Series F, No.39, Statistical Division, New York.

United Nations (1983): International Recommendations for Industrial Statistics, Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office, Studies in Methods, Series M, No. 48, Statistical Division, New York. 

Transport Economics 

Gómez-Ibáñez, J.A., W.B. Tye and C. Winston, eds. (1999), Essays in Transportation Economics and Policy: A Handbook in Honor of John R. Meyer, Brookings Institution. 

Button, K.J. (1993), Transport Economics, Edward Elgar. 

Boyer, K.D. (1998), Principles of Transportation Economics, Reading, Mass: Addison Wesley Longman. 

Quinet, E. and R. Vickerman (2004), Principles of Transport Economics, Cheltenham and Northampton, Mass: Edward Elgar. 

Winston, C. (1985), “Conceptual developments in the economics of transportation: An interpretive survey”, Journal of Economic Literature XVIII(1), 57-94. 

International Economics 

Krugman, P.R. and Obstfeld (2003): International Economics Theory, 6th Edition, Wesley.

Lindert, P.H. and Pugel, T. (2009): International Economics, 14th Edition, McGraw-Hill.

Soderstein, B.(1998): International Economics. Macmillan, London.

Regional and Multilateral Trade

Bhagirath, L. (2008): The World Trade Organisation: A Guide to the Framework for International Trade, Third World Network, Penang, Malaysia.

Das, D.K. (2004): Regionalism in Global Trade, Publisher Edward Elgar.

Krueger, A. O. and Ito, T. (1997):  Regionalism versus Multilateral Trade.

Monetary Economics
Bain, K. and Howels, P. (2009): Monetary Economics: Policy and Its Theoretical Basis, Macmillan.

Bofinger, P. (2001): Monetary Policy: Goals, Institutions, Strategies and Instruments, Oxford University Press.

Hubbard, R. G. (2008): Money, the Financial System, and the Economy, (6th ed), McGraw-Hill.

 *Due to the large number of textbooks on the wish list, some references may be incorrectly cited and/or missing information.

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