Books for Blantyre, an entirely not-for-profit project, is designed to help the students at Blantyre International University in Malawi gain access to textbooks.

Actuarial Science Department Wish List

The following textbooks represent the wish list of the Actuarial Science Department at Blantyre International University. Ten, fifty, and sometimes two hundred students share the one or two copies of a course's textbook that are kept in the university library. Students usually do not have access or funds to purchase their own textbooks for their university classes.

At the moment, because this project is in its infancy, I am asking for donations of only textbooks (or any newer editions of these textbooks) on the Wish Lists.

Introduction to Actuarial Science

Hickman, J (2004): History of Actuarial Profession,  John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Lee, T(2002):  Rating the Nation's Best and Worst Jobs, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.

Trowbridge, C.L (1989): Fundamental Concepts of Actuarial Science, Actuarial Education and Research Fund, New York.

Principles of Operations Research

Cook, T.M (1995): Introduction to Operations Research,  McGraw Hill, New York.

Hamdy, T(2002): Operations Research, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.

Hillier, Lieberman (2005): Introduction to Operations Research, Pearson Education, New Delhi.

Life Contingencies

Jordan, C W Jr (1967): Life Contingencies, Society of Actuaries, New York.

Neill, A (1979): Life Contingencies, Heinemann, London.

Pollard, Yusuf (1990): Demographic Techniques, Pergamon Press, Mumbai.

Actuarial Mathematics

Bowers, et al (2001): Actuarial Mathematics, Society of Actuaries, New York.

Cunningham, R.T. Huerzog, R(2004): Models for Quantifying Risk, Actex Publications, London.

Matt, H,  Stewart, D.G, Steeby, A (2008): Actex Study Manual for Exam M of the SOA ,  Actex Publication, London.

Survival Models 1 & 2

Hillier, Lieberman (2005): Introduction to Operations Research, CUP , New Delhi.  

Karlin, S, Taylor, H. M (2003): A First Course in Stochastic Processes, Academic Press, London.

London, D(2006): Survival Models and Their Estimation, Actex Publications, London.

Borowiak, D.S (2002): Financial and Actuarial Statistics: An Introduction, CUP, New Delhi.

Elandt-Johnson, R.C (2007): Survival Models and Data Analysis Wiley Classics Library, John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Klugman, Panger, Willmot(2004): Loss Models: From Data to Decisions, Publisher, John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Mathematics of Demography

Brown, R.L(2002): Introduction to the Mathematics of Demography. Actex Publications. London.

Keyfitz, N.  Beekman, J.A (2007): Demography through Problems, Springer, Verlag.

Pollard A.H,  et. al (1999): Demographic Techniques, Pergamon Press,  Mumbai.

Computational Finance

Duffie  D(1996): Dynamic Asset Pricing Theory, Princeton University Press, Princeton.

Hul.l J (2000): Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.

Luenberger, D. G(1998): Investment Science, Pargamon Press, Mumbai.

Risk Theory

Brown, R.L, London, D (1998): Actex Study Manual, CUP, New Delhi.

Klugman, P, Willmot(2004): Loss Models: From Data to Decisions, John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Hanji, S (2006): Actuarial Science- Theory and Methodology, World Scientific Press, New York.

Principles of Econometrics

Maddala, G. S. (2008): Introduction to Econometrics, 3rd Edition, John Willey and Sons, New York.

Leighton, T. (1996): Modern Econometrics, Pearson Education, New Delhi.

Watson, M. and Stock, J. (2006):Introduction to Econometrics, 2nd Edition. Pearson Education, New Delhi.


Maddala, G. S. (2008): Introduction to Econometrics, 3rd edition, John Willey and Sons Ltd.

Leighton, T. (1996): Modern Econometrics, Pearson Education.

Watson, M. and Stock, J. (2006):Introduction to Econometrics, 2nd Edition. Pearson Education.

*Due to the large number of textbooks on the wish list, some references may be incorrectly cited and/or missing information.

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